Streetwise: Masters of 60s Photography

Streetwise: Masters of 60s Photography

This catalog accompanied the exhibition, Streetwise: Masters of 60s Photography , an NEA-funded traveling exhibition originally curated for the Museum of Photographic Arts. The exhibition builds on what Swiss photographer Robert Frank began with his new "snapshot aesthetic," which was brought to the foreground with the domestic release of his ground breaking book The Americans, in January 1960. His focus on a more personal documentary style would influence a new generation of photographers: Diane Arbus, Lee Friedlander, Jerry Berndt, Ruth-Marion Baruch, Garry Winogrand, Bruce Davidson, Danny Lyon, and Ernest Withers.

Published by the Museum of Photographic Arts and ModernBook Editions (2011)

Introduction by Deborah Klochko

Essay by Andy Grundberg

Artist Biographical entries by Chantel Paul

Designed by Connie Hwang (Images ©Connie Hwang. See more of her work: