
These videos were produced by the Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA) to accompany the exhibitions After Ansel Adams (2014) and Staking Claim: A California Invitational (2013).

After Ansel Adams: Binh Danh

A Museum of Photographic Arts AUDIO IN|SIGHT with photographer Binh Danh. Listen in as Binh Danh shares his own experience as an Asian-American photographer while visiting the U.S. National Parks.

Staking Claim: Mona Kuhn

A Museum of Photographic Arts AUDIO IN|SIGHT with photographer, Mona Kuhn. Listen in as Mona Kuhn explains what inspired her to work with the residents of Bordeaux, France and how she shares a personal connection with her subjects.

After Ansel Adams: Michael Lundgren

A Museum of Photographic Arts AUDIO IN|SIGHT with photographer Michael Lundgren. Listen in as Michael Lundgren speaks about nature and the larger ideas surrounding his current body of work.

Staking Claim: Robbert Flick

A Museum of Photographic Arts AUDIO IN|SIGHT with photographer, Robbert Flick. Listen in as Robert Flick talks about his photographic process for his Freeway series and learn how he uses these images to create visual rhythms and movement through repetition.

Staking Claim Installation Timelapse

Eric William-Carroll creating an installation piece titled "Punctum" for MOPA's exhibition, Staking Claim: A California Invitational.

Staking Claim: Chris Engman

Artist Chris Engman was part of the Museum of Photographic Arts' Staking Claim: A California Invitational exhibition. Here he is interviewed about his work, giving insight into his process and inspiration.